CI-032 Stormwater Detention Basins in White Oak Bayou

CI-032 Stormwater Detention Basins in White Oak Bayou

Recent Actions

October 12, 2021 – – Harris County Commissioners Court approved a $125,000 agreement for engineering services to evaluate parcels suitable for stormwater detention basins in this watershed.

August 10, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations for engineering services in connection with this project

December 15, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the initiation of this project.


This is a feasibility investigation for additional stormwater detention basins in the White Oak Bayou Watershed.

The study was initiated in late 2021 to identify potential locations that would be suitable for regional stormwater detention basins as well as locations for stormwater detention basins for neighborhood drainage improvements.