Z-04 Stormwater Detention Basin at John Paul Landing

Z-04 Stormwater Detention Basin at John Paul Landing

Recent Actions

August 23, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved a Joint Funding Structure between Harris County and the Flood Control District in support of this project.

April 5, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized a change in the construction contract for John Paul Landing, North Basin Cell, Master Plan -2020, adding 82 calendar days and securing a new purchase order in the amount of $421,711.39 in connection with redistricting.

April 5, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized a change in the construction contract for John Paul Landing, North Basin Cell, Phase 2, adding 49 calendar days and securing a new purchase order in the amount of $4,012,681.23 in connection with redistricting.

March 22, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved a Joint Infrastructure Funding Structure between the Flood Control District and the Harris County Engineering Department for this project.

Project description

This project involves a partnership with Harris County Precinct 3 for an expansion of John Paul Landing. The precinct's proposed footprint accounts for the portion of the project that can be allocated to effective detention, which is to be used within the Upper Langham Creek Frontier Program for a drainage improvement project.