
Construction Advisory for White Oak Bayou Selective Clearing at E143-00-00

Project ID: E143-00-00-V001 In an effort to keep you informed about the Harris County Flood Control District’s continuing maintenance in the White Oak Bayou watershed, we want to notify you of an upcoming selective clearing effort.

In Summer 2021, the Flood Control District will begin selective clearing along the entire channel of White Oak Bayou (E143-00-00) from W. 11th Street to HCFCD Unit E100-00-00. The selective clearing planned for this area is an independent effort specific to White Oak Bayou (E143-00-00) and is not affiliated with any other projects or initiatives. Selective clearing involves identifying and removing vegetation blockages, downed trees, and trees at imminent risk of failure along forested bayous and drainage channels. The work in the channel and on channel slopes is performed by hand, using chainsaws, machetes, and ropes. A secondary focus of this operation is to leave as much of the native understory as possible while clearing non-native species. This practice helps to maintain or restore the channel’s ability to convey stormwater and promotes a more native shade canopy that requires less maintenance over time.

You may see our contractors walking along the channel performing work near your property. All work will be performed within the Flood Control District right-of-way. Should a continuation of work require access from privately-owned land, the property owner will be notified in advance.

The Flood Control District appreciates your patience through the duration of this project. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact us online at

Selective Clearing in the White Oak Bayou Watershed (E143-00-00)
Project ID# E143-00-00-V001
Contractor – UFL, Inc
Start – May 2021